Introducing Concrete5 Development – A PHP based CMS Platform!

Oct 16, 2021 |

5 minutes read


Concrete5 is an Open Source Content Management System based on PHP. It is a free CMS Platform for publishing content on the world wide web. It is flexible framework for professional developers to help serve their best interest.

Now Professional Web Developers creating the website completely easy with Concrete5 CMS Platform. It is a specifically design for ease of use with minimum technical skills. It help us to manage the whole website content. And It is rapidly very popular in developers day by day.

In the market today Concrete5 Web Development is always the first choice of software when building a website and also it makes the Web maintenance so easy. It serves you content editing option so that publisher can publish the content directly into the page and there is no need to using web editor software and administrative interface. It is also provide us embedded editor option for edit the images very easily without any complexity so they can save their time and become more creative everyday.

Following are the simple steps of basic setup and installation Of Concrete5 Web Application :

  • Download the latest version of Concrete5.
  • Upload the file into your web server.
  • Now unzip the file, it will add some new folders and an index.php.
  • The folders application/files/, application/config/, packages/ and updates/ will need to be writable by the web server process.
  • create a new MySQL database and a MySQL user account with full permissions on the database.
  • Visit your site.

Let us see the main functions of Concrete5 Web Development :

  1. Sitemap : The Sitemap allows user to manage all the pages on your website in one place so that user can navigate into the website very easily.
  2. File Manager : It allows user to access all the document and images.
  3. Reports : It help us to Collect all the data from forms and logs.
  4. User Groups : To Add and manage the people with User groups.
  5. Scrapbook : It allow us to Share the content of your website.
  6. Pages and Themes : It helps us to Redevelop the website.
  7. Add functionality : Install addons and themes Add Functionality is a dashboard page that allows you to install more addons and themes for your site.You can download more addons and purchase from the marketplace according to your requirement.
  8. System Maintenance : Back up cleanup and update Keep the website clean,maintain and take a backup of your important data with System maintenance.
  9. Site Wide Settings : Secure and setup your site You can easily configure settings for the Whole website.
  10. Composer : It is an easy way to create and publish blog content directly from your concrete5 Dashboard.

Conclusion :

Concrete5 is a free and Open Source Content management System based on PHP for publish the content on the Internet. It provides an Extensible platform for your valuable clients so that they can understand very easily. In this CMS platform you can utilize your time in quality work. Concrete5 Web Developers always like to choose this flexible platform and serve their client better in website development. You can increase your knowledge with latest version of Concrete5 CMS and improve your technical skills.

The Purpose of Concrete5 Web development is to provide a rich experience in manage the website. Concrete5 Web Application is always the favorite choice and most recommended CMS Platform for website development by professional Web developers.

I am quite excited to use this Web based CMS Platform for making the website.

Jinal Shah

The Managing Director of iFlair Web Technologies Pvt. Ltd. since 2004. He has spent 20+ years growing client businesses and assisting organisations ranging from Startups to Fortune 500 companies. Always shares cutting-edge topics on various technology platforms, Builds the prevailing concepts of the IT industry with interested readers.

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