Web Application





Marketplace & Service Concepts



Special Features

  • Create custom script to decompose .csv data, make necessary validation and store and display information in structure manner
  • Admin can import excel file from application backend and application filter data and generate business directory automatically
  • Dynamically Created site structure and Navigation based on .csv data -First All Country Page then Categories page of that country then listings under that category page and then final listing page
  • Business directory provide business information with interlinking of keywords
  • Country base filtration and keyword base general search functionality


  • Business user can register with website and add their business listing information
  • LIVE The Best Crypto currency Token Sales and ICO List with count down timer
  • Display Site statistics on admin dashboard like Registered user Free business listing, Reviews added, Recent Searches ,Business Pages created per upload, Pages created Per day, Total Categories ( Count ), Total Listings/Business Pages Till Date and Error Reports
  • SSL Hosting to enhance security Layer of website

We have developed “Yello – Keywords Network” business information portal where business can list themselves so that the people can locate the right business of their needs conveniently and quickly. Website developed in way that it goes beyond being a business listing portal by offering richer listing and a user experience that today’s digital natives crave! We offered a solution to business to build their online identity, connect them with customers and increase footfalls and improve revenues. Site admin can import .csv file which contain large amount of business information in application which will be filtered by the\application and generate business directory automatically by managing dynamic site structure and navigation. Business directory provide business information with interlinking of keywords.In order to advertise their business user can register with website and manage business listing or Claim business domain which is already listed on the website.



  • Keyword Listing
    • Listing of all keywords with their category and country by decomposing information from csv file.
  • Product Detail Page
    • Website will dynamically display all product information based on the product attribute site owner need not to write product description for each product
  • Keyword Linking
    • Each keyword will link to their own detail page
  • Created Dynamic Site Structure & Navigation base on .csv data
    • Created site structure and Navigation in following manner
      • First All Country Page
      • Then Categories page of that country
      • Then listings under that category page
      • Then final listing page

  • Interlinking of Pages
    • Internal linking of pages is most important aspect of this project to manage site structure and navigation
      • Competitorss
      • Similar Business (List All similar keywords)
      • Nearby Places
      • Related Keywords
  • Site Search
    • Single Search Engine Based on Keywords & Category With auto suggest
  • Business Listing
    • Business user can register with website and add business listing information like business name, tagline, business category and sub category list , business description, Business hours , Full Address , business Video, Logo, Photo, Social media link, Website link


  • Add Post like Facebook
    • Owner of the page can post updates on their wall post. Business User Feature Owner can post any number of posts. Other users can share the post on social media or like the post or comment on the post.
  • Business User Feature
    • Personal Information Management
    • Manage Business Listing
    • Post Review
    • Receive Flash Message
    • Claim Business Listing
      • Keyword
      • Domain
  • Back office Management
    • Importing excel file functionality and filtering it with validation
    • Reading excel file and converting domain to keyword and category and inserting large data in DB
    • Checking for duplicate keywords while every insert and update them instead of insert again.
    • Approve review from users
    • Manage Google analytics
    • Manage Google AdSense
      • Admin can add AdSense script to the Home page and business pages.
      • There will be fixed at 3 places for image ads and 3 spots for Text Ads.
      • Google AdSense shall be for all dynamically generated future Business pages as well.

  • CMS Management
  • Show Reporting Statistics on Dashboard
    • Registered user
    • Free business listing
    • Reviews added
    • Recent Searches – Keyword search by business user
    • Business Pages created per upload
    • Pages created Per day
    • Total Categories ( Count )
    • Total Listings/Business Pages Till Date
    • Error Reports
  • User Management
  • Business Listing Management.
  • Flash Message Board Management
  • Rating Management
  • Banned Keyword Management
  • Verify and Approve Claim Domain
  • Block IP Management
  • Reports
  • Search Keyword Listing
  • Reports
  • LIVE The Best Crypto currency Token Sales and ICO List
  • Site Meta
    • Manage Home Page Meta
    • Manage Footer Page Section
    • Generate XML sitemap daily

Gaurav Gokhru

iFLAIR was highly responsive, collaborative, and professional. They did a good job of understanding the project.The iFLAIR team is adaptable, helpful, and generous with their time.The team was accommodating in providing updates and answering questions, and kept their promises in terms of timeline and budget.

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