Mobile Application



Java, PHP Language 7.3.8, Laravel 7.30.4, MySQL 4.9.1, HTML, CSS, jQuery


Transport & Logistic



Special Features

  • User will have the option where they can create their account and access the features of the application by Face Recognition functionality which considers the particular user unique identity for this application.
  • User will have the option where they can add new damages based on current location from the application by clicking the pictures as per the below phases:
    • Front Side
    • Back Side
    • Left Side
    • Right Side
  • User will have the option where need to take the 4 pictures for particular damaged based on the following parameters:
    • License plate at a distance of 2 meters
    • Damage part at a distance of 2 meters
    • Damage part at a distance of 1 meter
    • Close up of damage part

We have created an impeccable mobile app for car owners where they can upload the damaged pictures or images of the respective parts of car from the application through which they can able to get that particular part serviced by the respective service person.

Technologies Used

  • Front end (User Mobile App): – Java
  • Back End (Admin Panel): – PHP Language version 7.3.8 & Laravel Framework 7.30.4
  • Database: – MySQL 4.9.1
  • Responsive: – HTML, CSS, jQuery

  • Once the user added a particular damage from the application then it will sent that respective damage request to admin, company and that user via email for the same which includes the following details:
    • Car owner name
    • Car registered number
    • Car location
    • Car selected phase
  • User will have the option where they can manage other damages from the application as per the following phases:
    • Create Damage Report
      • User will have the option where they can report a particular damage in single and two ways from the application.
    • Glass Damage
      • User will have the option where they can add damage for glass with taking the three pictures from the application.
    • Other Car Report
      • User will have the option where they can add report based on different categories from the application i.e. Engine, lights, tyres and others.
    • Request Assistance
      • User will have the option where they can directly call to nearby service person the application.
    • Change Car
      • User will have the option where they can add new car details from the application.

Admin Panel

  • Super Admin Features
    • User Management
      • Super admin will have the option where they create and manage the company and customer from the system.
    • Companies
      • Super admin will see the list of companies from the system which consists the following details:
      • Company ID
      • Company Name
      • Company Email Address
      • Company Created Date
    • Super admin also have the option where they can search or find the particular company details from the system.
  • Customer
    • Super admin will see the list of customers from the system which consists the following details:
      • Customer ID
      • Customer First Name
      • Customer Last Name
      • Customer Email Address
      • Customer Company Name
      • Customer User Name
      • Customer Car Registration Number
    • Super admin also have the option where they can search or find the particular customer details from the system.

  • Sections
    • Super admin will have the option where they create and manage the sections from the system.
    • Super admin will see the list of section from the system which consists the following details:
      • Section ID
      • Company Name
      • Section Name
      • Department Name
      • Swedish Section Name
      • Created Date
    • Super admin also have the option where they can search or find the particular section details from the system.
  • Damage Control
    • Super admin will see the list of damages from the system which includes the following details:
      • Damage ID
      • Damage Name
      • Damage Name in Swedish
      • Damage Image
      • Damage Created Date
    •   Super admin also have the option where they can search or find the particular damage details from the system.

  •  Other Damages
    •  Super admin will see the list of damages from the system which includes the following details:
      • Damage ID
      • Other Damage Name
      • Damage Created Date
    • Super admin also have the option where they can search or find the particular other damage details from the system.
  • Categories
    • Super admin will have the option where they create and manage the categories from the system.
    • Super admin will see the list of categories from the system which consists the following details:
      • Category ID
      • Category Name
      • Swedish Category Name
      • Category Created Date
    • Super admin also have the option where they can search or find the particular category details from the system.
  • Damage Reports
    • Super admin will see the list of Damage reports from the system which consists the following details:
      • Damage Report ID
      • Car Registration Number
      • Reason
      • Damage Name
      • Username
      • Damage Created Date

  • When the particular damage of the car has been repaired, the super admin will have the option to press the button. Then the image of the damage disappears in the app and the entire damage case is moved to “Archive” section from the system.
  • Super admin also have the option where they can search or find the particular damage report details from the system.
  • Glass Damage
    • Super admin will see the list of Glass damage from the system which consists the following details:
      • Glass Damage ID
      • Damage Name
      • Username
      • Created Date
      • Car Registration Number
    • Once the particular damage of the car has been repaired, the super admin will have the option to press the button. Then the image of the damage disappears in the app and the entire damage case is moved to “Archive” section from the system.
  • Other Car Reports
    • Super admin will have the option where they can manage the other car reports from the system.
    • Super admin will see the list of Request assistance of various users as per the following details:
      • ID
      • Car Registration Number
      • Other Damage Name
      • Description
      • Category Name
      • Time

  •  Request Assistance
    • Super admin will have the option to manage the Request assistance from the system.
    • Super admin will see the list of Request assistance of various users as per the following details:
      • ID
      • Email Address
      • First Name
      • Username
      • Last Name
      • Created Date
  • The archive
    • Super admin will see the list of all the completed cases which they have moved, once the particular request has been resolved i.e. damage reports, glass damage based on the user request from the system which includes the following details:
      • ID
      • Username
      • Other Damage Name
      • Car Registration Number
      • Archive Date
    • Super admin will have the option where they can search the particular damage requested as per their registered number from the system.

  • Also, super admin will have the option where they can view the completed damage requests by selected category from the system.
  • Department
    • Super admin will have the option to create and manage the Department from the system.
    • Super admin will see the list of added departments from the system which includes the following details:
      • ID
      • Department Code
      • Department Name
      • Username
      • Created Date
      • Status (Active / Inactive)
    • Super admin also have the option where they can search or find the particular department details from the system.

  • Head Admin Features
    • Head admin will have the option where they can upload the logo for the particular company from the system.
    • They will able to choose between created companies and departments from the system.
    • Head admin will able to see the number of users in each section and events which is registered in last 12 months from the system.
    • Head admin will have the option to list of the permission which is assigned to admin from the system.
    • Head admin will have the option where they can able to create departments from the system.
    • Head admin will have the option that based departments they will able to create sections from the system.
    • Head admin will also have the option to set the particular number for “Request Assistance” from the system.

  • Admin Features
    • Admin will have the option where they can view the particular section as assigned by the head admin from the system.
    • Admin will able to see the number of users in each section and events which is registered in last 12 months from the system.
    • Admin will have the option where they can view the list of the permissions as assigned by head admin from the system.
    • Admin will have the option where they can search the particular user as per their registered email address from the system.
    • Admin will receive e-mails when cases are created by app users in their department.
    • Admin will manage various cases that come in to the section from the app users based on the following parameters:
      • Damage Reports
        • Admin will see the following details as filled by the user for the particular damage from the application:
        • Registered Number
        • Driver Name
        • Damage Location
        • Date & Time
        • Damage Cause
      • Admin will have the option where they can able to write a log of event as per the respective damage from the system.

  • Also, admin will have the option where they can able to view previous logs which they have mentioned earlier from the system for the respective damage.
  • When the particular damage of the car has been repaired, the admin will have the option to press the button. Then the image of the damage disappears in the app and the entire damage case is moved to “Archive” section from the system.
  • Admin will have the option where they can send the email to the respective user, once the particular damage has been repaired will all the respective details from the system.
  • Glass Damage
    • Admin will manage the various requests of the users as they received via email regarding “Glass Damage” from their inbox of the system.
    • Rest of the functionalities will be same as per the “Damage Reports” from the system.
  • Archive
    • Admin will see the list of all the completed cases which they have moved, once the particular request has been resolved i.e. damage reports, glass damage based on the user request from the system.
    • Admin will have the option where they can search the particular damage requested as per their registered number from the system.
    • Also, admin will have the option where they can view the completed damage requests by selected category from the system.

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