Web Application


Built for


Laravel + VueJs, Responsive HTML, CSS, Query & AJAX


Coaching & e-Learning Platform



Special Features

  • Flip board like user interface which that display various question related to the category of user interest with information like Sub category tags, Counter question count, Merit count, Visitor count , comment count and visitor count, warning flag count
  • Website offer two way merit system
    • Author can assign merit to the other Authors or contributors if he feels that their feedback is valuable
    • Author can receive merit from other Authors or contributors on his effective feedback
  • Participants can rise the warning flag for inappropriate comment and feedback on conversation
  • Each interest area category and sub category will be displayed using specific color as defined by Site Administrator
  • We have developed Gamification algorithm which is combination of points like interest of the suer, Merit and Page view of question
  • Gamification process applied on the ‘Main Page’ which determine the size of the square boxes [ Conversation ]


  • User profile page is act as a ‘ Leader Board’ in the website to provide site statistics of their role Registered user work as an anonymous in the website. Instead of profile picture profile area display generic image, which is generated by the website automatically base on one’s area of interest and merit
  • Once the author published the question it will go for moderator approval and after approval it will be lived on the website for 7 days. Question will be automatically archived after 7 days.If author feel that they get the enough information then they can close any conversation before 7 days Any user registered on this platform will be able to switch to the different roles simultaneously like Author, Contributor, Spectator and Moderator

Open Square pro developed to provide business organization with an anonymous and private question-based social network. The unique, proprietary communication structure surfaces employee insights and fosters learning to solve issues at every level of business. An anonymous conversation platform encourages business and personal growth through a thorough cross-questioning forum. A community scoring system removes unproductive commentary to reveal the most insightful, profound questions and core issues which inspire unbridled honesty, Radical candor, generous contribution, Creativity,innovation, Engagement and Productivity

Technologies Used

  • Responsive HTML
  • CSS
  • Query & AJAX


  • User Engagement through learning Environment
    • Offer learning environment that engage and empower user for learning through quality communication
    • Register user can select their preferred interest and participate in the ongoing conversations
  • User Profile Image
    • Registered users work as a anonymous in the website
    • Instead of profile picture generic image is display, which is generated by the website automatically base on one’s area of interest and merit
    • User profile image change automatically as their profile grow
  • Quality Communication with Merit System
    • In order to boost quality communication, website Authors is reward with merit for participating effectively in the ongoing conversation
    • Website offer two way merit system
      • Author can assign merit to the other Authors or contributors if he feels that their feedback is valuable
      • Author can receive merit from other Authors or contributors on his effective feedback
    • Person with highest merit consider as a Subject Matter Expert,
  • Leader Board
    • User profile page act as a ‘leader board’ which display following details
      • Profile image
      • Merit
      • Generous member since
      • Author
        • Author Questions count
        • Contributor Response count
      • Contributor
        • Questions count
        • Author Responses count
      • Activity Timeline – display list of user activity in chronological order
      • Preferred Interest Area
      • Meritorious Interest Area
      • Invite User icon
  • Conversation
    • Question page is serve as a forum which have numbered pagination, so user can jump from one page to other page
    • Question page display main question with following information
      • Author Statistics – Merit, Page view, Counter Question, Author “N” level Comments , Total Participants and Flags
      • Category Tags
      • Author Question
      • Days Left
      • Merit Count
      • Flag Count
      • Option to add feedback
      • Counter Question

  • Question Approval page
    • Question approval page show how perspective author question get approved by the moderator.
    • Author can suggest the question that they want to ask and it is display using time stamp.
    • Author can include interest of tags associated with the question.
    • Once user add the question on the network, moderator will receive email notification in their profile to review the question.
    • If question is not appropriate then moderator can decline the question by adding notes or suggestions.
  • Conversation Closing
    • When the author clicks on close button, a pop up box is display on the screen which suggests author to close the conversation by filling up required details.
    • Author need not to wait for 7 days, if they feel that they got the enough information then they can close the conversation or conversation get close automatically when 7 days period gets over
    • Participant will receive notification in their profile or in their activity section on conversation closing.
  • Multi User Platform
    • Author
      • Ability to create questions
      • Allowed to comment till n level under a question posed by themselves
      • Flags questionable user questions to be reviewed by moderators
      • Able to close conversation with thanks note
      • Able to view Question Archive
    • Contributor
      • Able to ask follow up questions to initial question thread
      • Able to Author questions ( become author )
      • Flags questionable user questions to be reviewed by moderators
      • Able to view Question Archive
    • Moderator
      • Review, Suggests and Approved Authored Questions
      • Manage Status in network based on Merits
      • Serves as site ‘Police force’ and fields questions by Authors
      • Able to view Question Archive
  • BackOffice Management
    • Dashboard with Site Statistics
    • User Management [ Moderator, Author, Contributor and Spectator ]
    • Question Approval
    • Category wise question listing
    • CMS Management
    • Contact Inquiries
    • Email Management
    • Subscription Packages
    • Payment History
    • Archive Conversation Management
    • Active Conversation Management
    • Popular Conversation Management
    • Category and Sub Category management with color specification

I Need A Pencil, LLC

Thank you very much for the good service! It was pleasant working with you. You really understood how I wanted my website to be like. Because the website is exactly how I had it in mind. And whenever there was something that we needed to discuss.. like feedback on the website or any other changes that had to be done. I had contact with Jigisha, Vicky, Hemang over skype and that really helped me understand things better. It was also great that whenever we didn't understand each other we could share our screens. That was definitely a great thing. And the communication is fast even with the time difference. I would recommend your company to other people if they want to have great results and good service. Overall it was a good set to work with your company! I'm very happy with my website.

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