Web Application



Laravel 5.4, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AJAX & Slider Slick, Boostrap 3 Gentelella Admin Template


Lead Management & CRM



Special Features

  • Ability for users to return to the site and login to view their score, or return and complete their assessment
  • LexisClick users can view a sub view of tagged customers in the system
  • Develop Marketing Opportunity Assessment Algorithm which perform score calculation based on user’s answer
  • When the user has been through and scored all 10 sections of the assessment they will be presented with their final score.
  • Submission of new leads into Hubspot marketing system


  • Lexi Click User Features
    • View assessments
      • Option to login to see and adjust previous results
    • View users
      • Displays all users tagged as customer
      • Ability to access assessments
      • Ability to mark user as customer
      • Ability to edit or create new assessment for customer

We have developed “Lexi Click” marketing opportunity assessment application which help user to identify the opportunities to improve digital marketing where user need to go through 5 important areas of marketing and score each of them and at the end of assessment printable summary so that user can plan which priorities they need to focus on. User can also make notes on their score – if they have saved a password for the system or are logged in their answer is saved to the database, if not their answer is saved in the session. New customer information will be transferred to Hubspot marketing system

Technologies Used

  • Laravel 5.4
  • HTML, CSS , jQuery ,
  • AJAX & Slider Slick
  • Boostrap 3 Gentelella Admin Template



  • Submission of new leads into Hubspot marketing system
    • We have integrated ‘Lexi Click’ application with Hubspot CRM which integrate new lead details into Hubspot marketing system
  • Intuitive Interface
    • User enter the section opening screen that presents information on the section – press enter, click next or swipe on mobile to go to the next screen and asked a question to score themselves
    • We have develope intuitive interface which allow user to easy complete marketing assessment with following steps
      • Start Screen
      • Great to Meet You Screen
      • Save Assessment Screen
      • Where do you work Screen
      • Marketing Strategy Questions – Marketing strategy screen will display 10 question per screen, the questions will be displayed across 2 screen – append (Questions 1 – 10) and (Questions 11 – 20) after the title.
      • Overall Score Screen – When the user has been through and scored all 10 sections of the assessment they will be presented with their final score.
    • When they have answered all the questions in the section – presented with a section score and summary screen
    • Presented with a final summary screen and recommendations
    • Option to print the summary

  • Marketing Assessment
    • Ability for users to return to the site and login to view their score, or return and complete their assessment
    • User ask to enter their name and email address or whether they would like to come back, to see and change their results – if they click yes, then asked to enter a password, so that they can return to saved results
    • User can also make notes on their score – if they have saved a password for the system or are logged in their answer is saved to the database, if not their answer is saved in the session.
  • Marketing Opportunity Assessment Algorithm
    • Developed Marketing Opportunity Assessment Algorithm which perform score calculation based on user’s answer and score on various marketing section
  • Lexi Click Admin BackOffice Features
    • View users
      • Ability to edit user information, delete user or reset forgotten password
    • View customers
    • View LexisClick users
      • View User Profile Summary
      • Ability to create a new LexisClick user
      • Ability to select user as admin user
    • Assessment questions and screens
      • Manage Assessment question and Score on following section
      • User will be able to update copy, question and graphics from time to time

Simone Bernazzi

Very competent team, faster, kindly person. My personal project menager is Gaurang and Business development is Vicky. My site it was customization very perfect with iflair team. Good price for that work. recommended.Simone from Italy

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