Mobile Application



Swift for iOS, Java for Android, Php Language 7.3, Laravel 7.29.3, MySQL 5.7.33-0(Ubuntu), HTML, CSS, jQuery, Google Place API, Autocomplete Google Key API, Google, Facebook Sign In


GeoLocation SocialNetworking




  • Location Selection
    • Users have options to location managed through Google place API.
    • List of categories of products will display as per the location user have searched.
  • Login Functionality
    • Users need to login into the app to view list of lost and found products.
    • Users can login through Facebook credentials, google account credentials or credentials used during sign up of app (Any of them).
  • Filtration
    • Users can apply filtration to view products as per individual category. So, list of products will display on screen as per the category filtration applied by the user of app.
    •  User can also apply filtration or sorting as per the particular location. So, list of products will display on screen as per the location filtered by user of app.

We have created a perfect mobile app for social have lost or found miscellaneous items. Those items are diversified into various categories and sub categories.

Users will be able to login and able to upload details into app for the product he has lost at specific location as per the category and the product he has found at specific location as per the category. User of app will be able to view list of lost and found items details into the app after login with location details. User can sort the product as per the category of product as well as location.

Technologies Used

  • Front End (User Mobile App): – Swift for iOS & Java for Android
  • Back End (Admin): – Php Language version 7.3 & Laravel Framework 7.29.3
  • Database: – MySQL 5.7.33-0(Ubuntu)
  • Responsive: – HTML, CSS, jQuery
  • Managed Location: – Google Place API
  • Managed Search Functionality: – Autocomplete Google Key API
  • Sign In:- Google & Facebook Sign In

  • Search
    • User can search name of the location in search. When user enter few letters so predicted words will display automatically and this is managed through Autocomplete google key API.
  • Lost and Found Products
    • User can upload the details of lost item and found item with location details respectively. • User can view list of items of lost items and founds items as per the filtration applied.

Admin Panel/Super Admin Panel

  • Login for Admin
    • Admin needs to login into the dashboard of system to view
      all details of user, product and category.
    • Admin can view and edit the details after login into the
  • Category Management
    • Admin can manage the sequence of category needs to be
      display in mobile app.
    • Admin can add, edit and delete the category.
    • Admin can view category list details category name, sequence number of category and sub category
  • User Management
    • Admin can view user list details name, google account
      name, Facebook account name, email address.
    • Admin can view, edit and delete the details of user of app.

  • Product Management
    • Admin view, edit and delete the individual product from the listing.
    • Admin can view product list details category Name, email address of user, phone number, image of product, product status and date product uploaded into app.
  • Special Features
    • User can upload details of lost and found product into the app with location details as well.
    • User can search list of products by applying filters as per location and category.
    • User can search by entering 2-3 letters and it will display list complete keywords with prediction and user can choose any of them.


Please do pass on my gratitude and appreciation on to your exceptional team, I work with on a day to day basis and to the design team that worked so hard on my projects. They have done an outstanding job in following my instructions and suggesting designs that far exceeded what I had imagined. I could not have done this project without you and your team. Everyone has been patient and worked hard to make the project fit within my timeline and budget. I sincerely appreciate all your team's hard work and look forward to continuing to work with and recommending iFlair to others!

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