Web Application




Typo3 CMS with PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, jquery





Key Requirements

  • Client provided a nested source code of the website to us and he wanted to improvise performance & efficiency of the website and to rearrange the order of website components. And Specific compliance regulations to be met with the modernized website.
  • Client wanted to install latest version of typo 3 for increasing Business Intelligence for better analysis, higher quality data in highly optimized code with minimum time.


  • Nearby services available for recycling yards, waste disposal facilities.
  • Awareness about Climate change, Energy Production
  • Offering Job Position & Training in waste recycle industry
  • Information about pollutant mobile, product compost Waste Recycle Management
  • Incorporation of Repair café address for volunteers to repair broken tools and material
  • Toll Free Number to get more information

Back Office Management:

  • Citizen Page Management
  • Industry Page Management
  • Facilities & Locations Page Management
  • Waste & Environment Page Management
  • Service Page Management
  • News & Info Page Management
  • WIRFUERBIO Page Management
  • Latest activities put up
  • Waste Consulting Updation
  • Social accounts management

Key Features:

  • Fast loading, effective navigation, pleasant colour scheme
  •  Mobile compatibility, well planned, web design
  • Feature rich and flexible informative platform
  • Cookie Management
  • Easy Navigation
  • Friendly URL
  • Image & Video Optimization
  • Location map
  • Sitemap
  • Social Profiles Linking
  • Multi-lingual Website
  • SEO friendly

EGW Website aims to promote recycling deports, waste disposal facilities, Waste & Recyclable management and much more. Main motto is: “For the Circle. The citizens. The environment. We have performed EGW Data Migration work from typo3 CMS 7.6.32 version to typo3 CMS 11.5.12 and redevelop multi-site website with highly customize design and store view in English, German Language.

Objective was to make sure that there would be no impact on live data, minimal risks inherent while performing data migration by taking different consideration we have prepared and execute excellent migration plan which covers any potential hurdles with goal to make migration activity smooth.

Each & every pages of website have been built with eye-catchy banners, content and images placing in a proper manner.

Technology Matrix

  • Database :- My SQL
  • Framework :- typo3 CMS with PHP
  • Web Fronted :- HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, jquery


  • VA can add and update task on each assigned company.
  • VA can log the time of task by manual and also using inbuilt custom timer.
  • He can use additional hours slot of company if credit hours get fully utilized.
  • VA can add private notes and public notes for each company.
  • VA can and add or update expenses for each company.


  • Admin can view history of Client billing, VA payments and Refunds directly on dashboard itself.
  • Admin can add the company with primary user who works with the portal.
  • He can add Virtual Assistants who can work with multiple companies.
  • Admin can view, add or edit tasks.

  • Display account history like logged, remaining and extra hours of current month and able to do refunds for each company.
  • Display all assigned VAs with all details and expenses added by them for each company.
  • Admins can add/update secondary users for each company.
  • Admin can deactivate the company and VAs in the portal.


  • Company pay for package subscription using the allocated payment method and activate their account in the portal.
  • Primary users can add Secondary users to manage their portal account.
  • They can change their account details like package, extra hours slots, billing date, etc.
  • He can view the history of the current billing cycle and can download payment invoices from the portal.
  • Primary user can add task and assign to the allocated VAs.
  • He can also check the logged time and expense history of the company.

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